Tattoo : bodies,
art, and exchange in the Pacific and the West / Nicholas Thomas,
Anna Cole, Bronwen Douglas (et al.). - Durham (North Carolina) :
Duke university press, 2005. - 256 p. : ill. ;
24 cm.
ISBN 0-8223-3562-X
DESCRIPTION : The history of tattooing is shrouded
in controversy. Citing the Polynesian derivation of the word
« tattoo », many scholars and tattoo enthusiasts
have believed that the modern practice of tattooing originated
in the Pacific, and specifically in the contacts between Captain
Cook's seamen and the Tahitians.
Tattoo demonstrates that while the history of tattooing
is far more complex than this, Pacific body arts have provided
powerful stimuli to the West intermittently from the eighteenth
century to the present day. The essays collected here document
the extraordinary, intertwined histories of processes of cultural
exchange and Pacific tattoo practices. Art historians, anthropologists,
and scholars of Oceania provide a transcultural history of tattooing
in and beyond the Pacific.
The contributors examine the
contexts in which Pacific tattoos were « discovered »
by Europeans, track the history of the tattooing of Europeans
visiting the region, and look at how Pacific tattooing was absorbed,
revalued, and often suppressed by agents of European colonization.
They consider how European art has incorporated tattooing, and
they explore contemporary manifestations of Pacific tattoo art,
paying particular attention to the different trajectories of
Samoan, Tahitian, and Maori tattooing and to the meaning of present-day
appropriations of tribal tattoos.
New research has uncovered a
rich visual archive of centuries-old tattoo images, and this
richly illustrated volume includes a number of those — many
published here for the first time — alongside images of
contemporary tattooing in Polynesia and Europe. Tattoo
offers a tantalizing glimpse into the plethora of stories and
cross-cultural encounters that lie between the blood on a sailor's
backside in the eighteenth century and the hammering of a Samoan
tattoo tool in the twenty-first.
Introduction, Nicholas Thomas
Part One : Histories
and Encounters
- « Curious Figures » :
European Voyagers and Tatau/Tattoo in Polynesia, 1595-1800, Bronwen Douglas
- « Speckled Bodies » :
Russian Voyagers and Nuku Hivans, 1804, Elena Govor
- Marks of Transgression :
The Tattooing of Europeans in the Pacific Islands, Joanna White
- Christian Skins : Tatau
and the Evangelization of the Society Islands and Samoa, Anne D'Alleva
- Governing Tattoo : Reflections
on a Colonial Trial,
Anna Cole
Part Two : Contemporary
- The Temptation of Brother
Anthony : Decolonization and the Tattooing of Tony Fomison, Peter Brunt
- Samoan Tatau as Global Practice, Sean Mallon
- Multiple Skins : Space,
Time and Tattooing in Tahiti,
Makiko Kuwahara
- Wearing Moko : Maori
Facial Marking in Today's World,
Linda Waimarie Nikora, Mohi Rua and Ngahuia Te Awekotuku
- Beyond Modern Primitivism, Cyril Siorat
Epilogue : Embodied Exchanges
and their Limits, Nicholas Thomas
Select Bibliography
Notes on the Editors and Contributors
Photographic Acknowledgements
COMPLÉMENT BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE | - Nicholas Thomas, « Marquesan societies : inequality and political transformation in Eastern Polynesia », Oxford : Clarendon press, 1990
- Nicholas Thomas, « L'art de l'Océanie »,
Paris : Thames & Hudson (L'Univers de l'art), 1995
- Nicholas Thomas and Diane Losche,
« Double vision,
art histories and colonial histories in the Pacific »,
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1999
| - Willowdean C. Handy, « Tattooing in the Marquesas » (1922), New York : Dover publications, 2008
- Gordon Toi Hatfield, « Dedicated by blood -
Whakautu ki te toto » photography by Patricia
Steur, The Hague : Hunter media, 2003
- Tea Hirshon (éd.), « Tatau,
tatouage polynésien », Papeete, 1992
- Cécile Koessler et Richard
Allouhe, « Tatouages
polynésiens d'hier à aujourd'hui d'après
Gotz », Papeete, 1998
- [Laboratoire de recherche en
sciences humaines] « De l'écriture
au corps », Papeete, 2002
- Pierre Ottino et Marie-Noëlle
de Bergh-Ottino, « Te
Patu Tiki : l'art du tatouage aux îles Marquises »,
Teavaro (Moorea), 1999
- Karl von den Steinen, « L'art du tatouage aux îles
Marquises » ill. et textes choisis et traduits
par Denise et Robert Koenig et Julia Nottarp-Giroire, Papeete,
- Karl von den Steinen, « Kena, une légende du tatouage marquisien — Ha'akakai 'enata » trad. du marquisien d'après le carnet de terrain de Hiva'oa 1897-1898, Papeete : Haere po, 2014
- Karl von den Steinen, « Les Marquisiens et leur art
: l'ornementation primitive des mers du Sud (vol. 1) Le tatouage »,
Papeete : Au Vent des îles, Musée de Tahiti et des îles,
mise-à-jour : 14 août 2009 |

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