Paroles et
lumières : Haïti : Where light
speaks [textes en français, anglais et créole] /
Carl Hiebert ; textes de Sandy Noble Yates, Syto
Cavé et Anthony Phelps. - Mississauga (Ontario), Columbus
(Ohio) : International Child Care, 1999. -
165 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
ISBN 0-9685579-0-2
than 150 color photographs by Carl Hiebert and the poetry of
contemporary haitian writers Syto Cavé and Anthony Phelps, Where
Light Speaks : Haiti takes readers on an incredible journey
across one of the world's most fascinating landscapes.
The 168 page book, which
includes passages in english, french, and creole, was produced through
the collaboration of Hiebert, a Canadian photographer [...] and Yates,
a writer who has lived in Haiti since 1992. Hiebert and Yates spent
three months traveling throughout the country, searching for images
that not only illustrated the beauty of Haiti but also the dignity of a
proud people.
Incredibly, Hiebert completed
his assignment, which included treks through mountain passes, aerial
photography, and shoots in remote coastal areas, in his wheelchair.
Hiebert was disabled following a hang-gliding accident in 1981.
All proceeds from the sale of “ Where Light Speaks ” benefit
the work of International
Child Care (ICC), a Christian health development
agency dedicated to promoting health and wholeness to those in need,
especially children in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
- Anthony
Phelps, « Les
doubles quatrains mauves »,
Port-au-Prince : Éd. Mémoire, 1995
- Anthony
Phelps, « Une
phrase lente de violoncelle »,
Montréal : Éd. du Noroît, 2005
- Anthony
Phelps, « La
contrainte de l'inachevé »,
Montréal : Leméac, 2006
- Anthony
Phelps, « Mon pays que voici »
nouv. éd., Montréal : Mémoire
d'encrier, 2007
Sur le site « île en île » : dossier Syto Cavé |
Sur le site « île en île » : dossier Anthony Phelps |
mise-à-jour : 20
août 2007 |