Memoirs :
containing the lives of several ladies of Great Britain (…)
several letters / Thomas Amory. - Londres : John
Noon, 1755.
- XXXI-527 p. ; 20 cm.
Thomas Amory
(v. 1691-1788) était irlandais et aurait connu Swift.
« In the Memoirs
(…) of Several Ladies of Great Britain, Mrs
Marinda Benlow is a bluestocking and the story wanders off into a
curious tour of the Hebrides, where Amory places a Green Island of
exotic flora, on which stands a ladie's
academy. » —
« Cambridge Guide to Literature in
English », Londres, 1988 (p. 27).
L'ouvrage est
mentionné dans un grand nombre d'anthologies et d'histoires
de la littérature de langue anglaise ; il est
fréquemment tenu pour illisible.
We steered
for St.
Kilda, and
intended to go from thence to Borera,
which lies
within three leagues of it, and at last pay our visit to Mr. West.
But in a
fog we mist them both, and came full upon a fine little country, called
the Green
Island, which lies
ten leagues to the north-west of St.
Kilda. Here we
landed the 20th of September. All Mr. Martin 1 says of
this land is, that he believes he saw it at a distance once, and a
captain of a ship told him he had been on it.
The Green
is three miles long, and more than two broad. The surface is
beautifully unequal, and in every point of view quite charming. The
ground is covered with trefoil, and flowery plants of the aromatic
kind. There are a hundred little beautiful woods upon the hills, and
the sweetest streams come murmuring down their sides.
It was six o'clock in the afternoon when we went on
and could see no sign of any inhabitants on this land. We therefore
ordered the tents to be struck up, and in a delightfull valley, between
two woody hills, by the side of a water-fall, we resolved to pass some
days. Here supper was to be served up, and as the evening was glorious,
the scene solemn and fine, we thought ourselves prodigious happy in so
agreeable a change. It was agreed, while our repast was preparing, to
have a concert, and the instruments were immediately brought ;
before we could begin, we heared some music, as of many hands, divinely
played. This struck us all with astonishment, as there was not a house,
or a soul to be seen. Our captain swore he had at last discovered the
inchanted island. The wisest of us could not tell what to say to
it ; and the weakest, some sailors, natives of the Western
Islands, assured us very seriously, that it was the great
men ;
so they call spirits, which
reside, as these islanders think, in the beautiful vallies of these
☐ The history of Mrs Marinda
Benlow : Transactions and observations in a voyage to the
Western Islands, pp. 319-321
1. |
Martin was one of the first mainland explorers to record his visit to
the Hebrides ; in 1703 he published A description of the Western
Islands of Scotland. |
- « Memoirs
containing the lives of several ladies of Great Britain, interspersed
with literary reflections and accounts of antiquities and curious
things », Londres : Johnson and Payne, 1769
mise-à-jour : 19
mai 2011 |