Gaps in stone walls / John
Neufeld. - New York : Atheneum books for young readers, 1996.
- 186 p. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 0-6898-0102-5
Merry Skiffe, douze ans, vit
au bourg de Chilmark sur l'île de Martha's Vineyard
à la fin du XIXe
siècle. Un insulaire riche et dépravé
a été assasiné ; Merry, qui
est sourde, ne dispose d'aucun alibi …
There used to be a deaf community in this part of the Island
[Chilmark]. People didn't realize it, but they were passing on
a gene that carried deafness, and several people in each generation
were born unable to hear. Well, the community took that right
in stride and simply taught everyone to speak sign language. Part of
the American Sign Language used today may have originated right here.
The books you can buy about that community are called,
Everyone Here Spoke Sign
Language, or John Neufeld's latest young adult
novel, Gaps in Stone Walls.
« Touring Martha's Vineyard »
- « Gaps
in stone walls », New York : Aladdin
paperbacks, 1998
mise-à-jour : 6
août 2012 |