Goli Otok / Dragoslav
Mihailovic. - Beograd : NIP Politika, 1990. -
XLVII-682 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 86-7607-009-1
D. MIHAILOVICH : Dragoslav
Mihailovic (b. 1930) is best known for his novels and short stories.
[…] His latest book, Goli
Otok (Bare Island), signals a departure from his previous
works. It is more a documentary than a novel, consisting of three long
interviews and several shorter ones with former inmates of a notorious
concentration camp in the fifties and early sixties to which the
Yugoslav government sent all those who disagreed with its policy toward
the Soviet Union after World War II. Many of the approximately fifty
thousand men and women who passed through these camps died there or
perished soon after their release ; all the survivors carried
lifelong scars from their traumatic experience there. Goli Otok was but
one of these camps, but its name has come to stand for the entire
World Literature Today, Spring
- «
Goli Otok », Beograd : Sluzbeni glasnik,
- Venko
Markovski, « Goli
Otok, island of death », Boulder
(Colorado) : Social science monographs, 1984
- Branko
Hofman, « La nuit jusqu'au
matin », Paris : Phébus, 1998
- Ligio
Zanini, « Martin
Muma », Rijeka : Edit, 1999
- David
Grossman, « La vie joue avec
moi », Paris : Seuil, 2020
mise-à-jour : 6
novembre 2020 |