islands : a unique and comprehensive guide to the islands and
islets of the Mediterranean / compiled and edited by Charles Arnold. -
London : Mediterranean islands, 2008. -
415 p. : ill.,
maps ; 24 cm.
est explicitement conçu pour présenter et
valoriser le
potentiel touristique des îles
méditerranéennes ; il doit pourtant
l'attention par l'ampleur de sa couverture géographique
que par la diversité et la précision des
qu'il présente. Se trouve ainsi réuni un ensemble
de données concernant 218 îles ouvertes
à l'accueil
de touristes sur un total de plus de 1 000 îles ou
îlots — chacun de ceux-ci faisant l'objet d'une
succinte (localisation géographique, carte).
La section statistique
présente un classement des îles par la superficie,
de la Sicile (25 426 km2)
à Alicudi (5 km2) ;
par la population, de la Sicile
(4 937 301 hab.) aux
îles de Santo Stefano, Samiopoula, Kato Antikeri, Budelli,
et Despotiko où le recensement officiel ne mentionne qu'un
habitant permanent ; par la capacité d'accueil de touristes,
Majorque (286 408 lits) à Prisnjak (4
lits) ; ou
encore, parmi d'autres indices, le crowdfactor
qui évalue la pression touristique rapportée
à la superficie.
L'abondante section
introductive inscrit cette démarche
sélective au sein d'un panorama ouvert où place
est faite
aux questions environnementales (géologie, faune et flore).
unique comprehensive guide to the Mediterranean islands and an
essential reference book for Med lovers, island-devotees,
sailors, escapers
and anyone dreaming of their next holiday.
Each of the 218 islands
that offer accommodation has a full page — 87
islands in
Greece, 66 in Croatia, 35 in Italy, 10 in Turkey, 9 in France, 5 in
Spain, as well as Cyprus, Malta and Tunisia. Each island page has a
postcard-size photo and all the information that the reader needs to
form a judgment about the island.
Every island is given a rating
for Crowdfactor
(the number of people per square kilometre) which varies from 15,000
down to 1. 10 % of the islands have 90 % of the
which means that 90 % of the islands have 10 % of the
visitors spread between them !
The book also covers
over 1 000 islets and has chapters written by leading
international experts on geology, history, plant life, environment,
tourism, wildlife and sailing. It takes a rare look at privately-owned
islands, listing over 100 of them in seven different countries. It
illustrates common Mediterranean fishes and gives their names in ten
[…] 23 countries
border the Mediterranean … the
Mediterranean is the
world’s leading tourist destination …
there are more
than two million pleasure craft in the Med … the
Med is
home to 226 mammal, 230 reptile, 489 bird and 575 fish
species … tourists consume 800 litres of
water a day
compared with 70 for residents … only 1 %
of the
Med’s coasts are currently protected but the WWF aims to
this to 10 % over ten years.
- The geology of the
Mediterranean, Elefthria Papadimitriou
- An introduction to the flora of
the Mediterranean islands, Paul Sterry
- An in-depth look at
Mediterranean island plant life,
Frédéric Médail
- Mediterranean island
wildlife, Gerard Gorman
- Endemism and Mediterranean island wildlife, Jacques
Blondel and Marc Cheylan
- Some common fishes of the Mediterranean, Rio
- A history of the Mediterranean through its
islands, Charles Freeman
- Mediterranean islands at the
start of the 21st century, Emile Kolodny
- The Mediterranean environment, Maria
- The prospects for tourism in the
Mara Manente
- Sailing in the Mediterranean, Rod
- Private ownership of islands in
the Mediterranean, Farhad
- The islands (a page
each on 218 islands that offer accomodation with key informations,
photographs and mini-maps), p. 84
- The islets (all
islets larger than one-tenth of a square kilometre listed and mapped),
p. 316
- Statistics
(islands listed and compared by size, population, accomodation,
visitors and Crowdfactor, with country statistics, coastline lengths
and other listings), p. 360
- Satellite
atlas (all the islands that offer accomodation are shown in these
state-of-the-art maps), p. 380
- Island
(alphabetical index of all islands, islets and private islands listed
in the book, with regions and groups), p. 396
- « Die
Inseln des Mittelmeers : ein einzigartiger und
Überblick », Hamburg :
Marebuchverl., 2008
mise-à-jour : 7
janvier 2009 |
