Sea and Sardinia / David
Herbert Lawrence ; ed. by Jill Franks and Mara Kalnins. -
Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1999. -
256 p. ; 20 cm. - (Penguin classics).
ISBN 0-1411-8076-5
DE L'ÉDITEUR : In January
1921, D.H. Lawrence and his wife Frieda visited Sardinia. Although the
trip lasted only nine days, Lawrence wrote an intriguing account of
Sardinian life that not only evokes the place, people, local customs
and wildlife but is also deeply revealing about the writer himself.
Studded with metaphoric and
symbolic descriptions, the book is transfused with the author's anger
and joy. His prejudices and his political prophecies make “ Sea and Sardinia ” a unique and
dynamic piece of travel writing.
This edition restores censored
passages and corrects corrupt textual readings to reveal for the first
time the book Lawrence himself called “ A marvel of
veracity ”.
- «
Sea and Sardinia », New York : Thomas
Seltzer, 1921
- « Sea
and Sardinia », Londres : Martin Secker,
- « Sardaigne
et Méditerranée » trad. de
l'anglais par André Belamich, Paris : Charlot,
1946 ; Paris : Gallimard (Du Monde entier), 1958,
1985 ; Paris : Bartillat (Omnia poche), 2018
mise-à-jour : 4
avril 2019 |
