places : immigrant poets in Ireland / ed., with an
by Eva Bourke and Borbála Faragó. -
Dublin : Dedalus
press, 2010. - XXV-239 p. : ill. ;
22 cm.
we will renew the face of this extraordinary emerging new Ireland.
☐ President
of Ireland, Mary McAleese — Epigraph, p. XVII |
subtitle suggests, Landing
is an anthology of immigrant poets living in Ireland. Of course it is
not accidental that we, as editors, should be interested in and
absorbed by the work of such writers since it touches upon our own
personal lives. Both of us are ourselves immigrants to this country,
and both of us are poets. Both of our families have a narrative of
displacement, emigration, religious and political persecution
reflecting centuries of a European history of war, expulsions, racism
and ethnic cleansing. We know that, whether voluntary or forced, it is
never easy to end one life and begin another elsewhere, leaving family
and friends, one's familiar places and the sounds of one's language
anthology hopes to draw attention
to the diverse poetic output of Ireland's immigrant communities and to
open the way to similar future ventures. These poetic voices are not
marginal, but are at the very heart of what shapes Irishness today.
Julia Kristeva calls the foreigner the « hidden face
of our
identity » — the
« other »
within us who makes us face our own diversity. Our fruitful cultural
co-existence is crucial for the development of an integrated
multi-ethnic society within Ireland. The picture that emerges from
these poems suggests that there is a strong new cultural space which is
occupied by the immigrant imagination. President Mary McAleese's hope
that Ireland will become « a common homeland where
can be fully and absolutely themselves and yet share a common
future » is manifest in many of these works. In the
President's words, together we will renew the face of Ireland.
☐ Introduction, pp. XVII
and XXV
désignée comme une terre d'émigration,
est également terre d'immigration et d'accueil
— terre ouverte. En témoigne l'anthologie
réunie par Eva Bourke et Borbála
Faragó qui
juxtapose des textes de 66 poètes
« étrangers »,
établis durablement
ou provisoirement en Irlande. Elles et ils sont originaires des
Etats-Unis d'Amérique et du Royaume Uni
— ce sont les
plus nombreux — mais également de
continentale (Allemagne, Espagne, Italie, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Roumanie,
Tchécoslovaquie, URSS), d'Afrique (Afrique du Sud, Angola,
Nigeria, Zimbabwe) et d'Asie (Inde, Japon). Ils écrivent en
anglais et même, pour l'un d'entre eux (Andreas Vogel,
en 1970 à Bochum) en gaëlique. Dans l'ensemble se
mêlent inextricablement les traces de l'origine, celles du
présent, et l'appel d'un horizon encore à
d'Eva Bourke (née en
Allemagne) et de Borbála Faragó (née
en Hongrie)
s'interroge sur l'apport de ces nouveaux venus à la
littérature et, plus généralement,
à la
culture irlandaise : « This anthology
(…) is not
intended as a sociological survey of resident immigrant groups in the
country, neither is it a showcase of all of Ireland's cultural
diversity. Rather, it is a window, a glimpse into a sharp and new
poetic space produced by the joining, and sometimes collision, of Irish
experience and immigrant perspective » (Introduction,
p. XXII).
de ces « poètes
immigrants » ne vient de
France — sinon Landa Wo, originaire
d'Angola né
à Saint-Etienne et qui s'est déterminé
quitter un pays où toutes les portes se fermaient :
I am a poet in exile searching
For a new breath
☐ p. 222
Agee, Peter Oliver Arnds, Celeste Augé, Denise Blake, Megan
Buckley, Sandra Bunting, Kristina Camilleri, Anamaria Crowe Serrano,
Kinga Elwira Cybulska, Kathryn Daily, Carla De Tona, Annie Deppe,
Theodore Deppe, Gabriel Ezutah, Lisa Frank, Matthew Geden, John Givens,
Paul Grattan, Shane Guthrie, Mirela Nicoleta Hincianu, Joseph Horgan,
Oritsegbemi Emmanuel Jakpa, Paul Jeffcutt, Enrique Juncosa, Matt
Kirkham, Chuck Kruger, Anatoly Kurdryavitsky, Slavek Kwi, Paul Maddern,
Nyaradzo Masunda , Jennifer Matthews, Clare McDonnell, Irma Mento,
Susan Millar DuMars, Judith Mok, Panchali Mukherji, Mary Mullen, Pete
Mullineaux, Tom Myp, Chris Nikkel, Daniel O’Donoghue, Kinga
Olszewska, Julia Piera, Hajo Quade, Ursula Rani Sarma, Mark Roper, Judy
Russell, Eckhardt Schmidt, Jo Slade, Tiziana Soverino, Raphael Josef
Stachniss, Lisa Steppe, Richard Tillinghast, Eriko Tsugawa-Madden, Rose
Tuelo Brock, Andreas Vogel, Maria Wallace, Cliff Wedgebury, Grace
Wells, Sally Wheeler, Sabine Wichert, Landa Wo, Rachel Audrey Wyatt,
Adam Wyeth, Alex Wylie and Ann Zell. |
- Eva Bourke,
« Piano », Dublin :
Dedalus press, 2011
- Eva Bourke,
« The latitude of Naples »,
Dublin : Dedalus press, 2005
- Eva Bourke,
« Travels with Gandolpho »,
Dublin : Dedalus press, 2000
- Eva Bourke,
« Spring in Henry street »,
Dublin : Dedalus press, 1996
- Eva Bourke,
« Litany for the pig »,
Galway : Salmon publishing, 1989
- Eva Bourke,
« Gonella », Galway :
Salmon publishing, 1985
- « Hundsrose :
neue irische Gedichte » herausgegeben und übersetzt
von Eva
u. Eoin Bourke, Friedrich Michael Dannenbauer, Augsburg :
Maro-Verlag, 1985
- Kathryn Kirkpatrick and Borbála Faragó
(eds.), « Animals in Irish literature and culture », Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
- Borbála
Faragó and Moynagh Sullivan (eds.),
« Facing the
other : interdisciplinary studies on race, gender and social
justice in Ireland », Newcastle : Cambridge
- Borbála
Faragó, « " I am the place in
which things
happen " : Invisible immigrant women poets of
Ireland » in Tina O'Toole and Patricia Coughlan
(eds.), Irish
literature : feminist perspectives, Dublin :
Carysfort press, 2008
mise-à-jour : 29 septembre 2021 |