Jean-Guy Bertault and Kosasi Kadir (ed.)

Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan 


Montpellier, 1998

bibliothèque insulaire
parutions 1998
Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan : the contribution of STREK project / ed. by Jean-Guy Bertault et Kosasi Kadir. - Montpellier : CIRAD, 1998. - 250 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 2-87614-310-0

NOTE DE L'ÉDITEUR : This book presents the main results of research carried out by the STREK project (Development of Silvicultural Techniques for the Regeneration of logged-over Forest in East Kalimantan) in the district of Berau for seven successive years. The research was based on a permanent sample plot network composed by 18 plots of 4 ha each, resulting in a recording and individual monitoring of more than 40,000 trees.

The main objective of the project was to define sound silviculture techniques, able to sustain the productivity of the logged-over forests in East Kalimantan. With this objective, reduced-impact logging techniques were implemented and the damage created compared with those involved by conventional logging. The impact of this damage two years after logging on forest dynamics and regeneration was assessed and analysed. Based on these data, a growth and yield modelling has been performed in order to predict the feeling cycle according to the degree of damage. In a forest logged 15 years ago, two liberation thinning treatments were tested and their effect on the improvement of timber tree growth monitored.

The main results on the impact of these treatments on the improvement of growth rate are presented in this book.

Executive summary, François Grison
  • The Berau region and the activities of P.T. Inhutani I, Muhandis Natadiwirya
  • STREK Project objectives and methodology, Jean-Guy Bertault, Plinio Sist, Nicolas Nguyen-The
  • Description of the primary lowland forest of Berau, Plinio Sist, Amiril Saridan
  • Phenology of some dipterocarps, Nicolas Nguyen-The, Plinio Sist
  • Berau pedology, Sumaryono Moeljo Soeparto
  • Volume equation, Anna Enggelina
  • Reduced impact logging experiments : impact of harvesting intensities and logging techniques on stand damage, Plinio Sist, Jean-Guy Bertault
  • The economic implications of reduced impact and conventional logging, Alain Karsenty
  • Liberation thinnings in logged-over forests, Plinio Sist, Abdurachman
  • Growth and mortality patterns before and after logging, Nicolas Nguyen-The, Vincent Favrichon, Plinio Sist, Louis Houde, Jean-Guy Bertault, Nicolas Fauvet
  • Some aspects of natural regeneration, Nicolas Nguyen-Then Fakhru Rizal
  • Modelling the dynamics of a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest stand : application of a density-dependent matrix model, Vincent Favrichon, Young Cheol Kim
List of abreviations and acronyms used in text

mise-à-jour : 28 mars 2014
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